Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
Hello Guys !!

First of all, Let me introduce my self :)
My name is Muhamad Fariz Ramadhan, people calls me "Fariz"
I'm Indonesian and I Proud to be it.
I was Born on Majalengka, 18th November 2002
At now i live on Komp. Bumi Asri II Jl. Bungursari VII No.2 Kel.Pasirlayung Kec.Cibeunying Kidul Bandung. Actually i have 3 house ; Bandung, Jatinangor, and Majalengka.
My Hobbies are watching a movie, do a math excercise, and swimming
What the other information can i share to you?? :/
Next, I wiil tell to you guys about my little family :)
My family is consist of My Juctice Father, My Lovely Mother, My Strong Brother, My Beautiful Sister, and Me :0 My Family is totally perfect for me. We are have a beutiful life.
Now, we are all seperate;
My Juctice Father is live on Jakarta be at work, he work at Elnusa Corp
My Lovely Mother is live on Majalengka be at work too, she work at Dinas Kesehatan Majalengka
My Strong Brother is live on Jatinangor, he studying at UNPAD Geofisika
My Beautiful Sister is live on Jatinangor too, she studying at UNPAD Kimia
and I am live on Bandung alone, i'm studying at SMAN 3 Bandung
I want to share my experience and my story to you guys later
I'm just like the open book, i will not make a secret to you guys .
I hope you guys like to hear and read my story
See you in the next entry
Wassalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabaraktuhu

First of all, Let me introduce my self :)
My name is Muhamad Fariz Ramadhan, people calls me "Fariz"
I'm Indonesian and I Proud to be it.
I was Born on Majalengka, 18th November 2002
At now i live on Komp. Bumi Asri II Jl. Bungursari VII No.2 Kel.Pasirlayung Kec.Cibeunying Kidul Bandung. Actually i have 3 house ; Bandung, Jatinangor, and Majalengka.
My Hobbies are watching a movie, do a math excercise, and swimming
What the other information can i share to you?? :/
Next, I wiil tell to you guys about my little family :)
My family is consist of My Juctice Father, My Lovely Mother, My Strong Brother, My Beautiful Sister, and Me :0 My Family is totally perfect for me. We are have a beutiful life.
Now, we are all seperate;
My Juctice Father is live on Jakarta be at work, he work at Elnusa Corp
My Lovely Mother is live on Majalengka be at work too, she work at Dinas Kesehatan Majalengka
My Strong Brother is live on Jatinangor, he studying at UNPAD Geofisika
My Beautiful Sister is live on Jatinangor too, she studying at UNPAD Kimia
and I am live on Bandung alone, i'm studying at SMAN 3 Bandung
I want to share my experience and my story to you guys later
I'm just like the open book, i will not make a secret to you guys .
I hope you guys like to hear and read my story
See you in the next entry
Wassalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabaraktuhu