On Friday, 26 April 2019, SMAN 3 Bandung held an event called
Aspiration Day : Amigdala. Aspiraton day is an event to facilitate all of the
students to
aspirate their ideas or aspiration to
the school so it can develop to be better.
How it works? So every students can write their
aspirations and stick that on an aspiration board that placed in front of the
entrance gate of the hall where this event held. All of the people can read
those aspirations. That's why this event is very effective to get all of the students
To make those ideas come true, all of the students
aspirations will be brought to the headmaster so she can take action to answers
all of that aspirations. That will make this school become better.
Personally, I do really love this event. This
event give us a chance to make SMAN 3 Bandung to be better. Not just teachers, students
also have a role to make the school become much more comfortable and better in
facility. So, speak up bro and sis.
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